We're helping the Children’s Book Project


One in three disadvantaged children across the UK has fewer than ten books of their own at home, and one in ten has none.

To help combat this we have teamed up with the Children's Book Project to run a book drive over the summer holidays. It's so simply, you check your book shelf for any books you have read and no longer want.  Then, you simply pop them in the Book Bin by The Mall Summer Reading Garden on the upper level by MooBoo Bubble Tea.

The Children’s Book Project seeks to tackle book poverty and to give every child the opportunity to own their own book.
Children's Book Project believe in empowering children to choose a book they are motivated to read and in the power of reading communities
Children's Book Project put on book gifting events that are inclusive, joyful and have a tangible impact on every family that participates.

Book ownership has been directly linked with improved mental health amongst children and a greater propensity to read for pleasure, whilst reading fluency itself has a significant impact on children’s successful progression through education.

They also work closely with women’s groups, children’s centres, prisons and schools to gift gently used books to children nationwide, forging links with settings whose communities may benefit most from access to free books. In every instance Children's Book Project work with a provider to help them plan the most creative
and enjoyable book gifting event.


This year they will gift over 350,000 books to children via their schools and settings. The Book Project will help to
ensure that your gifted books are placed directly into the hands of those families that will benefit
